Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in San Diego CA

Whether you’re a restaurant, a hospital, or a casino, cooking oil has to be disposed of properly to avoid costly environmental damages. However, used cooking oil recycling San Diego can make your used cooking oil useful again and we also can pump out your grease trap!
Turning Your Used Cooking Oil into Biofuel in San Diego
LEND Environmental has been committed to protecting the environment for years and one of the biggest ways you can help is by recycling your oil. Cooking oil can harden and block sewer pipes, not to mention the pipes of your business that will cost to replace.
By placing your oil in a container to be picked up, you’re also protecting the oceans and animals from harm. You might even be paid for the oil you save, but either way our used oil collection San Diego will be by to pick up your container for recycling.
Some people don’t know that cooking oil can be recycled, which means that they don’t know about all of the benefits it can have when repurposed. Recycled oil becomes biofuel, which can be used for all kinds of heat or power sources instead of depleting natural resources.
If that’s not good enough, biofuel gives off no carbon monoxide when burned which preserves the ozone layer. All of these factors make a used cooking oil disposal facility San Diego incredibly useful to the environment!
Grease Trap Pumping San Diego
One of the most important things to have and maintain in your kitchen is a grease trap, because it will filter out all of the harmful oils and fats from your water. Unfortunately, that means that a faulty trap can leave your pipes and the environment susceptible.
If you can’t remember the last time you had a grease trap pumping San Diego and are worried about the amount of FOG getting through, just monitor the volume before and after pouring out your water. The layer on top is how much was stopped or filtered out.
Our grease trap services include proper disposal of your used oil, so it takes one burden off your shoulders. Keep in mind that any fat or oil that isn’t filtered will result in cleaning or replacing your pipes, so the cost is worth it.
If you’re still wondering if keeping your grease trap working is worth it, know that health inspectors check the layer of FOG on your grease trap and, if it’s not working right, they’ll fine your business so it pays to keep it clean.
Overall, it helps the environment and your business to recycle your used cooking oil. If you want to do your part to help the world, make sure you consider a grease trap cleaning San Diego and call us to handle your FOG.

PHONE: 818.698.4252
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FAX: 844.813.5874
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