Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Paramount CA
Any business that’s part of the food industry should participate in local recycling programs for used cooking oil recycling Paramount. There are benefits galore, like helping the environment and making a little money too.
Paramount Used Cooking Oil Collection Participation
Foolish practices in grease trap cleaning Paramount and oil disposal can be just as, if not more, harmful than petroleum, according to the EPA. It is not wise to dispose used cooking oil in the sewer or down the drain. This clogs pipes and mitigates profits. The cost of the frequent and expensive calls to the plumber and the downtime can be a drain on business, profits and sales.
What’s more, clogging the sewer can cause serious health problems due to the release of pathogens that backup. You could toss it in a trashcan or dumpster, but this is not advisable to do. It could overflow during a storm, spillover and leak out.
This greasy, fatty mess isn’t just gross and disgusting, but it can cause an environmental atrocity that contaminates groundwater, surface water, plants and animals. All this will present more problems than it intends solve.
The Process of Recycling Used Oil in a Facility
Used cooking oil collection Paramount is either re-refined or reprocessed. For example, since 2015 LEND Environmental, recycles used cooking oil by:
- Heats the used oil for fine extraction of particles
- Screens used oil to remove contaminants
- Separates water and emulsion
- With a centrifuge, set apart the remaining oils
Finding a Used Cooking Oil Recycling Facility in Paramount
CalMet and CalRecycle have plenty of resources for used cooking oil disposal and grease trap facility Paramount. By state law, you can get $0.40 per gallon, which is a fantastic incentive. They have a list of Certified Collection Centers along with pertinent contact information.
Recycling Cooking Oil Advantages
By contributing to a used oil recycling program in Paramount, you will help the environment and your profits simultaneously. It creates sustainable bio-diesel and fuel that has a low carbon output, burns clean and doesn’t emit carbon monoxide. This renewed oil provides fuel for transportation along with the powering and heating of homes.
It’s a win-win situation when sending used cooking oil to a recycling facility and grease trap pumping Paramount. You help build on sustainable practices that are beneficial to the environment and humanity along with making some money doing it.
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