Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Bakersfield CA

When it comes to cleaning grease traps in restaurants, it can be a dirty job, and many people don’t want to do it. As a restaurant owner, it’s crucial to understand how valuable having grease trap cleaning in Bakersfield, CA is. Not only is it a better system for your business, but it’s incredible for the environment.
Hiring a professional company to take care of your used oil collection in Bakersfield, CA, is an investment in your company and the environment. Reusing your cooking oil and grease helps promote sustainability and growth for our environment. Every restaurant owner should consider these services. As a business owner, we know you’re busy with every aspect of running your business, so let us take this off your plate.
LEND Environmental is here to help. We handle all your cooking oil recycling in Bakersfield CA, with ease. We’re all about providing you with an excellent customer experience, adding value to getting rid of your used cooking oil, and having your grease traps cleaned.
Since 2015, we’ve been leaders in the industry and have helped many clients in the Bakersfield, CA area. We serve hospitals, industrial kitchens, schools, restaurants, casinos, and hotels. We collect your used cooking oil and grease and transport it to a used cooking oil disposal facility in Bakersfield.
LEND Environmental offers many services, but our most popular is used cooking oil recycling and grease trap pumping. Collecting FOG (fat, oil, and grease) requires professionalism and experience that our team has an abundance of. We collect FOG from any dishwasher, hood, floor cleaning equipment, sinks, and grease traps.
As grease hardens and cools, it can wreak havoc on the environment when not disposed of properly. Suppose it happens to get into the sewers or stormwater. In that case, it can damage public and private property, and it can end up in our ocean. Hiring us for used cooking oil collection in Bakersfield is a responsible practice you can do as a business owner.
We’re the trusted professionals in the Bakersfield area, and we have several businesses that are thrilled with the service we provide. There’s no job too big or too small for us. We’d love to help you with your used cooking oil collection and grease trap cleaning in Bakersfield, CA.

PHONE: 818.698.4252
After Hours: 818.381.1941
FAX: 844.813.5874
We are available 24/7