Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Beverly Hills CA

Recycling any used cooking oil is highly encouraged by the government in a bid to help make an environmental difference by reducing the need for landfills. Businesses, such as most restaurants, can actually financially benefit from recycling their used cooking oil.
All you need to do is simply enlist the services of a company that offers used cooking oil recycling in Beverly Hills. The company will be able to do all of the hard tasks for you including used cooking oil collection in Beverly Hills. This means that you will not even need to get your hands dirty.
The company take your used oil, purify it and recycle it by selling the cleaned product to other companies. This recycled cooking oil can then be used for feedstock for diesel and to make biodiesel. This hence increases the oil’s lifespan, helping your company to be more environmentally friendly with its waste products.
How it is financially beneficial to me?
Because the company sell the recycled and cleaned oil they are able to offer you one of two prices when you give them your used cooking oil. The amount that they will offer you depends on whether or not your oil meets Jacobsen standards. If it does then they will pay you the top market price for your waste oil, otherwise, they will offer you a rebate.
In either case, it is better than simply dumping the oil for free and harming the environment.
Can they help with other oil problems?
The company also specialize in cleaning any gravity device involving your oil. This means that they can offer you the services of grease trap cleaning in Beverly Hills as well as grease trap pumping in Beverly Hills. If you neglect to clean and pump your grease trap for a long period of time then it can cause some serious problems.
It may no longer be able to separate your water and grease, leading to clogged pipes and a very costly bill at the end of it all. So, by choosing a company that is able to maintain your grease trap and keep it in good working order as well as remove and recycle your used cooking oil you can kill two birds with one stone.
Companies such as this help you financially and help to keep the environment safe from pollution.

PHONE: 818.698.4252
After Hours: 818.381.1941
FAX: 844.813.5874
We are available 24/7