Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Huntington Beach CA

Companies all across California are making efforts to be more environmentally conscious. Lend Environmental is a company dedicated to helping businesses make more sustainable choices. One way they are helping all local industrial kitchens is with their used cooking oil disposal facility Huntington Beach. By offering a spot for local businesses to safely dispose of their cooking oil, this company is helping to create a cleaner city.
Who Can Benefit From Used Cooking Oil Recycling Programs?
Everyone in the area can benefit from more access to recycling. There are many businesses that can benefit from use oil recycling Huntington Beach, including all:
- Restaurants
- Schools
- Arenas and stadium
- Hotels and resorts
- Casinos ; more
Lend Environmental will take care of all local industrial kitchens’ grease trap pumping Huntington Beach to ensure that the used oil gets disposed of properly. Several business owners have had to learn the hard way that used cooking oil can not be disposed of in the city’s sewers. This could create a clog that will add up to a lot of expensive fines.
Another huge mistake that industrial kitchens make is disposing that leftover grease into the garbage bins. This creates a huge problem because the grease will overflow when it rains. Not only will this create a mess outside, but it will also likely find its way into the city sewers creating a clog.
Why Recycling Used Cooking Oil CAN Make A Difference
Why should you be interested in used cooking oil collection Huntington Beach? Cooking oil doesn’t need to be wasted, it can actually be recycled and turned into new products. Most used cooking oil is used to create renewable products for bio-diesel. That leftover bacon fat could help someone heat their home or fuel their car.
Now that you’re aware of the difference that proper grease trap cleaning Huntington Beach can make, it’s a good idea to encourage every local industrial kitchen to participate. You can have peace of mind knowing that that oil isn’t going to waste or potentially causing an expensive clog.
Since cooking oil is one of the cleanest burning fuel sources, it is in high demand. Recycling that cooking oil not only creates a cleaner environment, but it could also have financial benefits for your business as well. Contact Lend Environmental today to learn more about their recycling services in Huntington Beach CA.

PHONE: 818.698.4252
After Hours: 818.381.1941
FAX: 844.813.5874
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