Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Mojave CA

If you’re a business owner with a commercial kitchen that is looking to reduce your environmental impact, consider used cooking oil recycling and grease trap pumping in Mojave, CA.
While many of your team members likely don’t want to be cleaning grease traps, they may not have the experience to clean them properly without making a mess. If hardened grease happened to make its way into the sewage system or stormwater, it can wreak havoc on the environment and end up in the ocean.
You have a lot on your plate as a business manager or owner, and hiring a professional to take care of used cooking oil collection in Mojave can help you take that off your to-do list. It’s better for your business and the environment.
When you hire a professional company like LEND Environmental, you can expect a courteous and experienced team of skilled people to provide the best service. Reusing your old cooking oil and having your grease traps cleaned helps promote sustainability and helps reduce waste. There’s enormous value in used cooking oil recycling for you, our world, and the biodiesel producers that receive your oil and grease.
When you call us, you’ll receive prompt and excellent service. We have many loyal clients in Mojave that can speak to the level of service we provide. We’ll come in, remove all your FOG (fat, oil, and grease) from hoods, sinks, dishwashers, floor cleaning equipment, and grease traps. We will then bring it to a used cooking oil disposal facility in Mojave.
We serve hospitals, restaurants, industrial kitchens, schools, casinos, hotels, and more.
Almost 100% of the oil and grease we recycle is used as feedstock for biodiesel and renewable diesel production. That’s impressive!
As the leader in the industry, LEND Environmental offers many essential services to business owners. Choosing us for used cooking oil collection in Mojave means that you’ll receive the best service, and you know that your FOG is going to the right hands and not into the environment.
If you have any grease or used cooking oil collection job, no matter how big or small, the LEND Environmental team is up for the job. If you’re in the Mojave area, give us a call!
We’d love to hear from you if you’re looking for these services.

PHONE: 818.698.4252
After Hours: 818.381.1941
FAX: 844.813.5874
We are available 24/7