Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Sylmar CA

Working in a kitchen can be a lot of fun if you enjoy cooking. While it gives you a chance to make a variety of different meals every day, the fun ends when the grease trap needs to be cleaned. This is one job that is time-consuming and disgusting. On top of that, what are you supposed to do with all of that old oil?
Lend Environmental wants to make it easier for businesses in the area to take the green-friendly approach. One way they are doing this is by offering grease trap cleaning and used cooking oil recycling Sylmar. Any business in the area with an industrial kitchen can use these services to get rid of their old oil in a sustainable way.
The Responsible Way To Get Rid Of Cooking Grease
Old cooking oil shouldn’t be going to the landfill. Many industrial kitchens were disposing of their leftover oil in the waste because they thought it was the easiest thing to do. Not only was this time-consuming and messy, but it also led to a lot of excess waste sitting in a local landfill. When several businesses do this, the waste really adds up.
Lend Environmental wants all industrial kitchens to know that there is a smarter way to dispose of used cooking oil. In order to keep refined oil out of the landfill, they opened a used cooking oil disposal facility Sylmar. If your business is unable to drop the oil off at the location, they also offer used cooking oil collection Sylmar to get that oil off of your hands.
Cleaner Grease Traps ; A Cleaner Tomorrow
Did you know that an overflowing grease trap could leak into the town’s sewer system? This is one messy problem that could result in large fines if you’re not careful. Lend Environmental always offers grease trap pumping Sylmar services to keep those grease traps under control. Not only will they clean out the grease, but they will also take it away.
Used cooking oil recycling and grease trap cleaning Sylmar are just some of the ways that Lend Environmental is helping Sylmar residents see a greener future. Looking into a more sustainable approach of disposing of something they go through every day is one way many businesses can make a big impact towards bettering the environment.

PHONE: 818.698.4252
After Hours: 818.381.1941
FAX: 844.813.5874
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