Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Thousand Oaks CA

While used cooking oil can be harmful to the environment and potentially your wallet, it can be recycled and reused more effectively than simply disposing of it. Maintaining a clean grease trap is imperative for this to happen, so here’s how all of it works.
Cooking Oil
Your restaurant can be fined without properly disposing of cooking oil because of its effects on pipes and sewers. The fats within can back up sewers and actually cause sewage to spill out above-ground. Proper disposal involves a special container to separate FOG from water.
FOG is the fat, oil, and grease that comes out of cooking. Used cooking oil recycling Thousand Oaks is the best way to deal with your used oil, because they’ll come by to pick up the container when it’s getting full.
The oil is then taken to a used cooking oil disposal facility Thousand Oaks and goes through a process that recycles it. The result is a biofuel that gives off no Carbon Monoxide when burned and reduces the amount of harmful cooking oil in the world.
Recycled oil also burns off less fat and grease when used, so it’s a cleaner way to power all kinds of things ranging from methods of transport to different plants and heating sources. If your oil container is getting full, contact the used cooking oil collection Thousand Oaks.
Keeping used oil out of the water system and recycling it to reduce carbon emissions is dual-purpose to saving the planet with minimal effort on your part. However, the only way to collect the FOG is with a maintained grease trap
Grease Trap Cleaning Thousand Oaks
Without a properly-cleaned grease trap, used cooking oil will be dumped into the water supply. Not only will that affect the sewers and water treatment facilities, but it can make its way into oceans and endanger the animals and ecosystems.
Grease traps are designed to filter the FOG out of your used water and capture it in a layer on top. That layer is what goes into the container for recycling, but nothing lasts forever and maintenance is essential.

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