Used Cooking Oil Recycling, Grease Collection, FOG Disposal Facility, Grease Trap Pumping and Cleaning in Westminster CA

How often should I clean my grease traps?
Depending on how much use they get, you should look at cleaning your grease traps every one to three months. This will stop any excess grease or food waste from building up. This can potentially save you from a catastrophic disaster which will be very costly.
So, the best way to ensure that your grease trap is always in top condition and running as it should is to enlist the help of a company that specializes in either grease trap cleaning in Westminster or grease trap pumping in Westminster. This way you can make sure that the job is done by a professional and that you will definitely not have any problems in the future.
After all, it is much easier to keep your grease trap in good condition than it is to try and fix any problems with it down the line.
What should I do with my used cooking oil?
Although many people may simply think of the quickest way to dispose of their used cooking oil this can be a very bad decision, both financially and for the environment. Nowadays there are companies that offer services such as used cooking oil recycling in Westminster. Their aim is to recycle your used cooking oil and provide a recycled product to other companies.
Doing this allows them to make a huge impact on the environment by saving any excess products from going to landfills. Instead, by recycling and reusing the used cooking oil you can actually make money from your waste oil.
Since the company sell the product on they are able to offer you financial compensation for your oil. If your oil meets the standards of Jacobsen then you will be offered a very competitive top price for your used cooking oil, otherwise, you will be offered a rebate. Either way, you are making a difference to the environment and getting money from your used oil.
The oil is transported by a company that work in used cooking oil collection in Westminster before ending up at a used cooking oil disposal facility in Westminster. Here it is inspected for quality purposes before it is heated, cleaned and cooled. Once the oil is completely recycled it is then shipped to other companies who need the oil for products such as feedstock for bio diesel.

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FAX: 844.813.5874
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